Saturday, February 2, 2013

Weigh in day and update!

What better day to write than weigh in day? :)  I weigh in once a month - still going for free to meetings (well below goal) however I did gain a lb - recently though, I made a change in my program so I might see a loss next month.

My Leader is a great lady and I always enjoy her meetings.  I look forward to my monthly WW meeting although most of the folks I knew from when I first joined for the 4th time in 2008, no longer come. I guess if I went weekly, I'd get to know some of the new folks.  I hang out a lot on the WW website - they have a great online community there so lots of support and long term friendships available!

I visited the blog of a lady who were very gung ho on WW - she lost a lot of weight - she had a website all about it.  But lately she's gained back.  The other three times when I start gaining back, I'd say "all for lost anyway" and that was the end of things but this time, I'm keeping on tracking and working at it.  Did my first three times on program finally teach me so ways to deal with "stuff"? I hope so.  Many learn it before the second time but I'm a slow learner because this is my fourth time on program! :)

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